Mircha Emanuel D'Angelo

Thousands Report Instagram and Facebook Outages on Tuesday Afternoon

Mircha Emanuel D'Angelo

Thousands of Instagram and Facebook users found themselves grappling with technical issues on Tuesday afternoon, as both platforms, owned by Meta, suffered from an unexpected outage. The disruption has left many unable to access key features, casting a shadow over one of the busiest times for social media engagement.

According to DownDetector, a website that tracks online service interruptions, complaints about Instagram began to climb sharply at around 4 PM Italian time. Users reported significant difficulties in loading the photo feed, accessing others' stories, and uploading new posts. Facebook has also been hit by similar technical troubles, although the extent of the impact across both platforms is still being assessed.

Down Detector on Instagram

Down Detector on Facebook

Meta Status Page

The sudden and widespread nature of these outages has sparked frustration and confusion among the global online community. With no immediate explanation from Meta regarding the cause or expected resolution time, users are left waiting for updates on when normal service will resume.

Thousands of messages on Twitter (X) with the hashtag #facebook show the outage is wide spread.

Social Disruption Frustating

For the latest information on this developing story, users are encouraged to stay tuned to official announcements from Meta and monitor updates from online service trackers such as DownDetector.

Major details about the outage on Meta Status Page