Metro Olografix CAmp 2024 - So long, and thanks for all the fish...
What an unforgettable weekend! MOCA 2024 has come to a close, and it was truly an extraordinary event. A unique opportunity to exchange ideas and share knowledge among enthusiasts and professionals: a real back to the r00t, as it was meant to be!
From satellite hacking techniques to the use of GenAI models for computer forensics, the talks explored high-level topics rarely addressed in other contexts.
I had the privilege of contributing with my own talk on rapid application development with Laravel and Filament, an incredible experience that made this edition even more special for me.
Not only did we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the first MOCA edition (2004), but also the 30th anniversary of Metro Olografix, the oldest telematics association in Italy.
A significant milestone that marks our commitment and passion for innovation and free access to knowledge.
It was wonderful to reconnect with old friends and meet new ones, all united by a deep spirit of sharing and participation.
I fully embrace Thomas Jefferson's words: "He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his candle at mine, receives light without darkening me."
Thank you to everyone who participated and made this event memorable.